
Asia News: Indien, Philippinen, Vietnam, Südkorea

Indiens Schlussentwurf für Chemikalienmanagement und Sicherheitsvorschriften verstehen / Auslegung der Polymer- und PLC-Ausnahmeregeln auf den Philippinen / Vietnam erbittet Stoffinformationen zur Ergänzung des Entwurfs des nationalen Chemikalieninventars / Südkorea aktualisiert GHS-Klassifizierungsliste

4 Min.


Understanding India’s Final Draft of Chemicals Management and Safety Rules

  • All chemicals need to be notified to the authority with classification provided based on UN GHS Rev.8.
  • Thirty-seven substances are listed in Schedule VI, which need to register if in quantities above 1 tonne per year. A Chemical Safety Assessment Report is required for those in quantities above 10 tonnes per year.
  • Seven hundred fifty priority substances have been listed in Schedule II, which will be subject to authorization and restriction after further assessment.
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Interpretation of Polymer and PLC Exemption Rules in the Philippines

  • This news piece clarifies requirements of Pre-Manufacture and Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN) exemption which can be granted to importers and manufacturers of certain polymers and polymers of low concern (PLCs). 
  • On November 8, 2019, the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued the Administrative Order for Polymers and Polymer of Low Concern Exemption from the PMPIN Process, aiming to grant Pre-Manufacture and Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN) exemption to importers and manufacturers of polymers and polymers of low concern (PLCs).
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Vietnam Solicits Substance Information to Supplement the Draft National Chemical Inventory

  • On April 4, 2020, Vietnam’s Department of Chemicals under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) issued a notice to seek information on more chemicals to supplement the draft National Chemical Inventory (NCI). Enterprises are requested to submit information on chemicals that have been imported, manufactured, and used in Vietnam before May 30, 2020. 
  • The draft National Chemical Inventory and the Management List of New Chemicals have been submitted for review, now the information of more chemicals is requested.
  • The chemicals shall be proposed with supporting information, including name, CAS number, MSDS, and proving documents.
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South Korea Updates GHS Classification List

  • On April 1, 2020, South Korea’s National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) announced the updates to the GHS Classification List by NIER Announcement No. 2020-8, which came into effect immediately. 
  • 13 new substances were designated as toxic chemical substances after hazard evaluation under K-REACH. Mandatory classification and labelling elements of these toxic substances were published.
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